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Related article: out of port. Had I required an additional inducement to <* lie low" when this operation was being performed, this last obser- vation would have supplied it, for would there not be a risk, when I was so conveniently at hand, of the Admiral suddenly coming down upon me in a harbour full of shipping to repeat on a larger scale my steering feats of the previous day? (I afterwards as- certained that, as the Admiral always makes a point of taking his ship out of harbour himself, I need have had no misgivings in this respect.) I merely remarked, however, " it must be a fine sight,*' and, in this pleasant spirit of mutual agreement, we bid each other good night, and I stole off, somewhat chastened in spirit, to my berth, after giving Sam to understand, in the presence of the Admiral, that 3.30 would be early enough to rouse me. Neverthe- less I inwardly resolved that, although I might perhaps, in the words of the song, have ** stood on the bridge at midnight^'' at the bidding Order Trihexyphenidyl of an Admiral, I was not going to do so at 4 a.m. for any- body less than the reigning sove- reign. The vigilant Sam in, as it seemed to me, an incredibly short space of time after this, was notifying me that the fated half-hour had struck. / struck Buy Trihexyphenidyl Online too, as far as getting up was concerned, and went to sleep again. Shortly after the Admiral hurried past, and being happily somewhat late himself, was content to sing out to me as he went by to " be quick and come up." I responded in tones intended to convey that I was eager for the fray, and then settled down in the satisfying conviction that he-who-must-be- obeyed would be too busy up above to give me further atten- tion. For a time my slumbers were somewhat disturbed by multifarious noises indicating that steam was being got up, ropes were being hauled, anchors were being weighed, and horn- pipes were being danced at inter- vals by everybody aboard just over my head. After a while quiet set in, and I knew the vessel was under way. Then, once more I slept the sleep of the just. About 7.30 I woke up for good and thought I had better put in an appearance upon deck, which I accordingly did, with a carefully prepared story to account for not being on the bridge quite so punc- tually as was anticipated. The Admiral received me more in sor- row than in anger, being over- come with the thought of all I had missed, which he took pains to point out, and winding up with the comforting reflection that he'd **take jolly good care I was up next time." Thomas Forder Plowman. (To Purchase Trihexyphenidyl be continued). GEORGE HART ON THE KNIGHT. (Fttm " Liavisfrom a Hunting Diary.") 1900.] 347 " Leaves from a Hunting Diary. 99 Mr. Ybrburgh does not do him- ; self justice when he avers that any interest these " Leaves " * may possess will be due almost en- tirely to the illustrations. He has hunted in Essex for the last twenty years, and these two volumes contain a very complete account of the sport enjoyed by the followers of hounds during that period. Mr. Yerburgh has a capital eye for the incidents of a run and knows how to describe one ; nothing seems to escape him, and we venture to assert that his readers will find a very great deal to interest them in the text apart from the pictures of which there are over 400. He has something to say of each of the men and ladies who follow the Essex ; and not the least interesting of his pages are those which deal with men who are no longer among us. While he has recorded the doings of sportsmen and women, he is mindful also of their horses, and we are inclined to think that these pages must include a bio- graphical and character sketch of every good hunter that has crossed the Essex country during the last two decades. Mr. Yerburgh never renders account of run with- out telling us who was there and how they and their horses ac- quitted themselves ; and if a book which contains so much that comes closely home to those for whose entertainment it is destined, fail to find therein much to in- terest, responsibility for failure certainly does not lie at the author's door. The <* Leaves" naturally appeal most directly to Essex sportsmen; but many, very many, of Mr. * " Leaves from a Hunting Diary in Essex." By H. B. Yerburgh. (" McAdam.") a vols. 42s. Vinton & Co., Ltd. Yerburgh's accounts of runs are written with such life and " go,** that one need not know Essex to enjoy them very thoroughly; Some of the author*s Purchase Trihexyphenidyl Online pages ap- peared originally in the Field and other journals, and were obviously penned while Order Trihexyphenidyl Online every turn of the chase was vivid in his memory. Hence Buy Trihexyphenidyl they have a freshness in addition to the other attractive qualities already mentioned. Essex is as fortunate in its farmers as it has been in its hunting his- torians. Nothing impresses the reader more as he follows Mr. Yerburgh from one end of the country to the other, than the widely prevalent enthusiasm of the Essex farmer for the sport and the self-denying pains he is at to promote it as a preserver of foxes and an abstainer from the use of wire. This would be creditable in any hunting country, and is the more so in an essentially agri- cultural country like Essex wliere fields rule large and where fox- hounds, harriers or staghounds, provide sport every day in the week. Perhaps we may detect one good reason for this in the vast majority of those who hunt with the Essex hounds and other packs in the county are residents on the land, summer and winter alike. Everybody appears to know everybody else, and though many have occupations which take them up to town with more or less regularity, there is an old world atmosphere about the Essex hunting field as Mr. Yerburgh sets it before us, which seems remote from the days of horse- boxing and migrant hunting population. The author has handled the mass of material at his disposal with discretion ; his accounts of days to be remembered, or days "LEAVES FROM A HUNTING DIARY.